Women Elected Municipal Officials Women’s Equality Day webinar

Women Elected Municipal Officials, a member group of the MMA, will host a webinar on May 23 to discuss opportunities for municipalities to celebrate National Women’s Equality Day, which marks the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote.

Gloucester Councillor Valerie Gilman, the chair of WEMO, will discuss lessons learned from her city’s first National Women’s Equality Day celebration last August. Gilman was involved in organizing the event, which included a city proclamation, remarks from co-organizer and activist Amy Shapiro (a Gloucester resident), and a panel discussion with local women leaders.

Shapiro will join Gilman during the webinar and share her experience as a co-organizer and speaker at the celebration. They will discuss Gloucester’s plans for Women’s Equality Day in 2024 and offer tips for communities that wish to organize their own.

The one-hour webinar will begin at noon and include a brief question and answer session.

More information and a registration link will be emailed to WEMO members in the coming weeks.

Only MMA members may register for this webinar. Members include appointed or elected officials from member communities across the state. Media members are not permitted to attend.

National Women’s Equality Day is celebrated each year on Aug. 26. The 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920.

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