Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources boot camp

Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources will hold its annual “HR 101” boot camp on May 9 in Northampton.

The boot camp is geared toward newer municipal human resources professionals and those with a background in the private sector. Veterans in the field are also welcome to attend for a refresher.

Speakers will include Paul Scott, vice president of the Unemployment Tax Management Corporation, who will provide an overview of municipal unemployment benefits and claims, and the pitfalls that HR professionals should avoid.

Ed Mitnick, executive director of Just Training Solutions, will lead a workshop on conducting workplace investigations.

The boot camp will run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Hotel Northampton, 36 King St. in Northampton.

The registration fee is $100 for members and $120 for nonmembers.

The agenda and registration information will be made available at and emailed to MMHR members in the coming weeks.

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