Best Practices for Navigating Statewide Contracts and COMMBUYS Purchasing webinar

On Aug. 15, the MMA will host a free, hour-long webinar with the Operational Services Division to review statewide contracts and the use of COMMBUYS for procurement. Panelists from the OSD’s Local Government Team will discuss how to use statewide contracts effectively, identify underused contracts, post bid announcements, and search for products and vendors. Speakers […]

Management Association ICMA Conference state dinner

Shuffleboard anyone? You can challenge your friends to a game of shuffleboard at Austin’s Electric Shuffle at the State Association Reception at ICMA’s Annual Conference. You’ll enjoy indoor and outdoor space where you can catch up with old friends and meet new ones over appetizers and pizza. A cash bar will be available. You’re welcome […]

Cannabis Compliance: Reviewing the Draft Regulations on Host Community Agreements webinar

A free webinar for MMA members on Aug. 7 will review the Cannabis Control Commission’s draft regulations on host community agreements and social equity. Nicole Costanzo, a senior attorney at KP Law, will discuss the implications of the new regulations, their potential effect on existing host community agreements, and strategies for municipalities. The CCC is […]