The MMA will host a free, one-hour webinar on Nov. 13 with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency sharing municipal best practices for before, during and after an emergency or disaster. Panelists will discuss MEMA’s role in disaster response and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s recovery programs and processes, including timelines, thresholds, and damage assessment processes. […]
A free MMA webinar on Nov. 15 will share valuable tips for running an effective meeting from start to finish. Panelists will cover best practices for agenda preparation, holding meetings in person as well as virtually, and drafting meeting minutes. They will also discuss how to establish expectations and manage public hearings. Speakers will include: […]
Agenda Thursday, November 16 8:30-9:45 a.m.Full Breakfast, Registration 9:30 a.m.Conference WelcomeSteve Bartha, Danvers Town Manager and MMMA President Skill Building: Collaboration, Civility & CommunicationCraig Freshley, Good Group Decisions In this interactive session, Freshley will focus on skills and techniques that every manager needs to lead department heads, employees, and elected and appointed officials toward a […]
The post MMA Board of Directors appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
On Oct. 17, the MMA will launch a new, Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy to help promote professional development among municipal officials. The program’s three-part pilot will be led by Cally Ritter, principal of Positive Ripple Training and Consulting, and focus on effective workplace communication. Appointed and elected officials are invited to register now. Sessions will […]
On Nov. 7, the MMA will host a free, 75-minute webinar with the Operational Services Division demonstrating how to navigate the COMMBUYS landing page and conduct an advanced search for contracts, vendors and grants. The Operational Services Division’s Local Government Team will also showcase features within the Statewide Contract and Tradespersons Indexes and discuss posting […]
Local finance committee members are invited to the Association of Town Finance Committees’ Annual Meeting on Nov. 4 at the Sharon Community Center. The meeting will feature four educational workshops, running concurrently during two time slots. The first session will feature “Finance Committee and Budgeting 101,” covering the basics for new members, and a session […]
On Oct. 24 at noon, the MunEnergy program will hold a one-hour webinar to provide timely information about winter energy costs and what winter weather will mean for energy markets. Participants will also hear about benefits of the MunEnergy program. Registration is required in order to receive the link to attend. For 24 years, the […]
On Oct. 17, the MMA will launch a new, Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy to help promote professional development among municipal officials. The program’s three-part pilot will be led by Cally Ritter, principal of Positive Ripple Training and Consulting, and focus on effective workplace communication. Appointed and elected officials are invited to register now. Sessions will […]
On Oct. 17, the MMA will launch a new, Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy to help promote professional development among municipal officials. The program’s three-part pilot will be led by Cally Ritter, principal of Positive Ripple Training and Consulting, and focus on effective workplace communication. Appointed and elected officials are invited to register now. Sessions will […]