The post Inspiring Climate Action webinar appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The post Massachusetts Select Board Association webinar with Massachusetts Moderators Association appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The post Transportation funding webinar appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The MMA will hold a free webinar on Jan. 16 covering the importance of fire department mutual aid in Massachusetts. Mutual aid efforts were required across the state during a challenging fall season with many wildfire events. The fall fires have abated, but fire officials remain concerned about future wildfires and other potential disasters. Peter […]
The post Women Elected Municipal Officials Conference appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The post Massachusetts Municipal Management Association Professional Development Conference appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
An information session will be held on Zoom for those interested in the MMA and Suffolk University’s Certificate in Local Government Leadership and Management program, the Municipal Finance Management Seminar, or the Municipal Human Resources Seminar. Registration link: Zoom The post MMA-Suffolk 2025 Programs Information Session appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The post Women Leading Government Conference appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold a webinar with the Mass Cultural Council on Dec. 11 to discuss how select boards can support arts and culture initiatives and advance economic development in their communities. Mass Cultural Council program officers Cheyenne Cohn-Postell, Sommers Smith, Carolyn Cole and Lisa Simmons will be joined by several select […]
An information session will be held on Zoom for those interested in the MMA and Suffolk University’s Municipal Fellowship program. Registration link: Zoom The post MMA-Suffolk Fellowship Information Session appeared first on Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA).