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Jersey Jay BlackOffline

  • United States

Profile Info

Display Name

Jersey Jay Black

Registering as

United States

Contact Information

Woodbridge, New Jersey 08863


Concentration in research techniques and data analysis, navy veteran , if you do not have a fanbase then I will help you build or even find one. I am currently looking for openminded fighters who not only want to make money but who want to use their boxing skills in a positive way that will help and inspire others.

More About You

Coaching Experience

Worked with sailors on boxing fundamentals while deployed and currently in the process of certification.

Athletic Highlights

Won three central jersey state championships, 4 division as well as one shore conference and state championship in high school basketball. I also competed an AAU national and multiple state tournaments. Won two navy boxing (smokers) tournaments at heavyweight, was invited to the All-Navy boxing tryout but was unable to compete while deployed.



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